Raja Wynne (2019–2020)

On December 31, 2019, Raja Wynne retired as Mayor after eighteen years of service to the Governors, Sidhas, meditators and citizens of Maharishi Vedic City.
Dr. Neil Paterson, Minister of Administration, Global Country of World Peace
“I first remember meeting and getting to know Raja Wynne in the early 80s. He had come to Africa (Kenya) to meet Maharishi to talk about the MIU Business Department and I remember how much Maharishi had enjoyed talking with him about many different topics ….“It was immediately evident to me that Raja Wynne was a highly evolved person and over the years we all witnessed how Maharishi guided him into enlightenment. I remember thinking years ago when he became a Raja how much I admired him, as no matter what challenge Maharishi threw at him, he always rose to the occasion and as a result you could see him blossom into enlightenment. This was a great joy to see!!
“One of the greatest gifts Maharishi gave us all, was our precious global family of the enlightened who devotedly served him year after year, and Raja Wynne was among the very few at the head of this family. I have been blessed in my life to have known you, Raja Wynne, and Maureen.
“We love Raja Wynne. His radiance of Bliss will be missed on earth, but he will always be remembered for the great enlightened soul and leader that he was in Maharishi’s Movement.”
Raja Wynne continued in his role as Raja of the Global Country of World Peace. He visited the South Pacific country of Vanuatu for the first time in March 2020, where he did the first initiation in the country in many years and met with Mayor of Luganville on the island of Espiritu Santo.
On the way to Vanuatu, the Wynnes stopped in Palo Alto to celebrate his uncle Dr. John Gurley on his 100th birthday. Dr. Gurley was a popular professor of economics and then Professor Emeritus at Stanford University.
Dominican Republic (2019–20)
Raja Wynne and Maureen traveled to the Dominican Republic several times in 2019 and 2020 including for meetings about Movement projects there. During their last trip on March 18, 2020, the Dominican Republic implemented a COVID-19 lock-down while they were on the plane. Raja Wynne was delighted to spend this quiet time in the beautiful surroundings of Casa de Campo in his family’s long-time vacation home there: the warm weather, gentle breezes, being surrounded by flowers, and picking fresh mangos every day.
Raja Wynne passed away suddenly late in the evening of June 7, 2020 (official date of death was June 8, 2020).
Raj Rajeshwari Maureen Wynne
“He was there and then he was gone—like the wave into the ocean.“We have enjoyed the most wonderful, blissful life together for 40 years.
“What an incredible blessing to have spent this time together with Maharishi, Maharaja, and all our beloved Movement family immersed in the complete knowledge and experience of enlightenment that Maharishi brought to light.”
Jai Guru Dev