Maharishi International University (1979-2020)

In the spring of 1979, Raja Wynne taught his first one-month course at MIU on computer science to the master’s degree program in Higher Educational Administration (Council of Executive Governors). He then joined the wave coming to MIU from Amherst in September 1979 and joined MIU faculty full-time.
As soon as Bob arrived, he met Maureen, a securities lawyer from Houston who, coming from the Amherst course, also joined MIU’s Business Administration Department. They were married on July 4, 1980, in a great celebration with all the MIU faculty and administration on the old campus. From then on Raja Wynne and Maureen were a team working together and supporting one another on all of Maharishi’s projects in which they had the good fortune to be involved.
Over the years Raja Wynne served as the following at MIU:
- Faculty member in Business Administration
- Chair of Department of Business Administration
- Dean of Faculty
- Chair of the Academic Council
- Dean of the School of Management
- Vice President of Expansion
- Member of the Board of Trustees
Achievements at MIU
MIU’s First Computer System: Acquiring the DEC PDP 1170 and Poise software, the University’s first computer system that filled a whole room.
MBA program and Purusha MBA: With support of his father John Wynne, a noted business educator, Raja Wynne put in place the MBA program. One of the highlights of this program was that all the members of the North American Purusha program were its students, as well as many others who became great leaders of the Movement and of the university community. The program continues as a cornerstone of MIU’s academic programs.
Craig Shaw, MIU Computer Science
“When Bob wanted to find the first minicomputer and administrative software for MIU, somehow, he asked me to do the research. The DEC PDP 1170 and Poise software served us well for many years. I owe him so much for teaching me how to do proper product research, and I have enjoyed always trying to get the best products at the lowest prices throughout the years.“I also think I internalized Bob’s philosophy, “Go big or stay home!” This has always been my attitude in ComPro.”
Brad Mylett, Vice President of Development, MIU
“The two of you always inspired those of us with more limited vision to aspire for 200% of life, just what Maharishi always wanted for us householders. You always led the way. …I can’t help but think of Carnegie Hall and how beautifully that was renovated under your guidance. It was really the first grand facility on our campus. The Purusha MBA Program that was Raja Wynne’s brainchild, a program that saved the University—so many historic events due to Raja Wynne and dear Maureen.”
Beginning in 2000 when the Wynnes had returned to Iowa from New York, Maharishi inspired the university to demolish all of its non-Vastu buildings. This was not a direction to rebuild but to demolish. This was the beginning of a huge transformation of the campus. As quickly as possible the university demolished more than 40 buildings, and, of course, many beautiful new Vastu buildings came up in their place. The first new Vastu building was the Dreier Building, followed by the McLaughlin Building, Veda Bhavan, and the Argiro Student Center—all funded by the incredibly generous donors of the university.
Vincent Argiro, MIU Trustee Emeritus and founder of Vital Images
“Raja Wynne and Maureen were like parents for me as a young faculty member at MIU when I arrived in the mid-1980s. They both protected me and encouraged me deeply during a greatly challenging time in my personal life and brought me forward to find my feet within the faculty and academic leadership.“Raja Wynne was really the first to recognize my entrepreneurial talent, really even before I believed in it myself. His encouragement to my fledgling efforts to fund my laboratory on campus, and subsequently to found Vital Images and eventually grow it to a globally significant innovator, were pivotal to my success. His vision and Maureen’s wise, compassionate confidence thus made possible all of my contributions to the future of MIU, including the Argiro Student Center. I bow in gratitude.”
And more Achievements…
Ph.D. Program in Management
School of Management
Leading and inspiring the faculty for over a decade resulting in
- Expansion of MIU’s academic programs to include doctoral programs in Physics, Physiology, Psychology, Management, and Maharishi Vedic Science, as well as the MBA program, and Master’s in Computer Science
- Applying for and receiving significant grant funding to support research and MIU’s academic development
Michael Dimick, MIU Trustee and MBA program graduate
“I remember so fondly how Raja Wynne championed the non-existent MBA program so many years ago and made it a great and enduring legacy for the University. And so many other exceptional achievements.”