Maharishi Vedic City (2000-2019)

When Maharishi envisioned the 10 Mandalas development in 1991, he also envisioned that the Maharishi Center for Perfect Health and World Peace subdivision would ultimately become a city. In 2000 in discussions with Tom Makeig, a local attorney, work began for the city to come into being. Maharishi named it “Vedic City,” ultimately “Maharishi Vedic City.” The last city to be formed in Iowa had been 25 years earlier with most cities dating back to the 1850s.
The City filed its application in the autumn of 2000 with a public hearing attended by over 100 people at the Wynnes’ home.
Maharishi Vedic City was incorporated on July 25, 2001. Its first election was in November 2001. Raja Wynne became Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City and continued in that role for the next 18 years until stepping down on December 31, 2019.
Major achievements of the City inspired by Maharishi:
- Constitution of the Universe adopted as the Constitution of the City
- Raam Mudra adopted as the official currency of Maharishi Vedic City although there can be other currencies.
- Sanskrit as the official language of the City, although there can be other languages.
- The first city in the US which is by ordinance an all-organic city
- The first Vastu city
- The flag of the Global Country of World Peace as the flag of the City
- The first Maharishi Vedic City in the world
- Maharishi Vedic University established as the city university of Maharishi Vedic City
Dan Raymond, Governor, businessperson, residing near Maharishi Vedic City
“I remember years ago when Maharishi Vedic City was first incorporated: we were all in the Domes and Maharishi was on the call. Raja Wynne had just made a presentation about the homes they planned to build in the City …. After Raja Wynne finished his presentation, Maharishi said: ‘Win with Wynne’ and then let out a hearty laugh and we all laughed as well. Then he said it again, ‘Win with Wynne’ and laughed again. He said this three or four times with us all laughing. I think Maharishi was showing his great pleasure for what Raja Wynne had done, not only for Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, but as a model for the entire world.”