Early Years in the Movement (1969-1979)

Transcendental Meditation program. Raja Wynne learned the TM program in 1969 when he was an undergraduate student at Stanford University. Instruction was at Berkeley. He was taking a course at Stanford in Hinduism and Buddhism when he saw Maharishi’s picture on a poster for the introductory lecture, and he was immediately drawn to learn.
Humboldt course (1973): Graduating from MIT, he rode a bicycle across the country from Boston to Humboldt because the course did not start for 30 days and he thought by the end of the course he would be enlightened.
Teacher Training Course (1973) in Belgium
Teaching Citizens Advanced Courses (1978) in Lake Berryessa in Northern California
Bob Roth, CEO, David Lynch Foundation
“I first met Raja Bob when our two teams of Executive Governors — I from San Francisco and Raja Bob from the East Bay — joined forces to give several week-long Citizens Advanced Courses together at Lake Berryessa in Northern California in 1978. He made such a huge impression on me…I was just a 28-year-old kid and he was not much older but he had so much gravitas, so much power, so much self-referral, and so much whimsical lightness and fun about him that I just wanted to be around him, I just wanted some of that to rub off on me…”
Tim Gautherat, Uttar Kashi Purusha
“…I was talking to a friend here yesterday of Bob and telling some stories from back in the 70s when we were together in Switzerland… We were laughing and enjoying. Then a huge rainbow came out over the eastern mountains — Raja Wynne’s rainbow we named it.”